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Afro-Latinas’ Realities: A Conversation about Racism, Healthcare, Economics, Education, and more.


Join Creative JusticeInitiative, AfroLatino Forum, The Center for Puerto Rican Studies atHunter College (CENTRO) and our advisors and collaborators for an illuminating conversation that delves into the multifaceted experiences and realities ofAfro-Latinas across the Americas. As we gather to explore the themes of racism, healthcare, economics, and education, we will uncover the layers of complexity, … Continued


Bridging the Divides: Yomaira Figueroa-Vásquez & Kyle Powys Whyte on Apocalypse and Indigenizing Futures

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Wednesday, January 31st, at 1 PM ET This event is part of a speaker series organized by Bridging the Divides, a collaborative, interdisciplinary study group that seeks to  develop a new vocabulary and conceptual pathways for theorizing and reimagining Puerto Rico and its future. Yomaira C. Figueroa-Vásquez is an Afro-Puerto Rican writer, teacher, and scholar … Continued


Partner Event: Curls, Coils, and Waves: The Afro Latina Experience

Latinx Project 20 Cooper Square, 3rd Floor, New York, NY, United States

Join the NYU Latinx Alumni Network and The Latinx Project for a celebration of Afro-Latinidad—featuring a panel discussion and an exclusive sizzle reel preview screening of I’m Not My Hair, a documentary by Cynthia Bastidas chronicling the natural hair journey of an Afro-Latina woman, Cristina Garcia de Leon, and the various ways anti-Blackness manifests itself … Continued


The Puerto Rican Radical Tradition

The Silberman School of Social Work 2180 3rd Ave, New York, New York
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

Friday, March 1st, 2024 at 10 AM ET On March 1, 1954, Lolita Lebrón led a group of four members of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party in an armed attack on the U.S. Congress, to dramatize the ongoing colonial nature of the territorial relationship, in the wake of the “Commonwealth” constitution of 1952. Seventy years … Continued


At the Edge of Each Other’s Battles: Puerto Rican, Palestinian, Black & Indigenous Futures

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join us for a virtual symposium “At the edge of each other's battles”: Puerto Rican, Palestinian, Black, & Indigenous Futures which convenes scholars and writers to examine the legacies of colonialism, dispossession, and solidarity practices across a series of overlapping experiences. Using the word of Audre Lorde as a point of departure, this day of … Continued


Partner Event: ¡Oye! Puerto Rican Theater Breaks Through: Exhibit Opening and Panel Discussion

David Geffen Hall 10 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY, United States

The 1970s marked a turning point in the history of Puerto Rican theater in New York City. A vibrant arts scene of Puerto Rican playwrights, poets, and actors emerged, one that traversed the boroughs and neighborhoods of the city and influenced audiences from all cultural backgrounds. Groundbreaking, contemporary works of art that focused on the … Continued


En mi celda: escritos desde la cárcel

El libro EN MI CELDA: ESCRITOS DESDE LA CÁRCEL (Editora Educación Emergente, 2023) presenta por primera vez al público hispanohablante una cuidada recopilación de diversos textos y materiales de archivo del anarquista, intelectual y revolucionario afropuertorriqueño y afrodiaspórico MARTIN SOSTRE. Especialmente en lo que respecta a la filosofía, el estudio y la lucha negra y … Continued


Partner Events: Unions & Feminist Worker Organizing in Puerto Rico: A Conversation with María Del Mar Rosa Rodríguez

CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies 25 West 43rd Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY, United States

Join us at CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies to learn from María del Mar Rosa-Rodríguez, an associate professor of Hispanic Studies at the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) at Cayey, and the president of the faculty union of the UPR, Asociación Puertorriqueña de Profesores Universitarios (APPU). She is also the cofounder of the … Continued


(Partner Event) Radical Sovereignties, Radical Archives: The Archivo Histórico de Vieques

The Jerry H. Labowitz Theater for the Performing Arts 1 Washington Place, New York, NY, United States

Vulnerable communities enact sovereignties that decenter the state while strengthening relationships on which survival depends. This panel will delve into such radical praxis through a closer look at archiving and the Archivo Histórico de Vieques. The AHV is a community archive born out of the struggle against the U.S. Navy’s occupation of Vieques, Puerto Rico … Continued


From Loisaida to the South Bronx: Puerto Rican LGBTQ Culture in NYC


November is Puerto Rican Heritage Month! Celebrate the impact that the Puerto Rican LGBTQ community has made on New York City over the past 80 years, with a special focus on social life, activism, and the arts in the 1990s. Activist Charles Rice-González, co-founder of Gay Men of the Bronx (GMoB) and the Bronx Academy … Continued


From Loisaida to the South Bronx: Puerto Rican LGBTQ Culture in NYC


November is Puerto Rican Heritage Month! Celebrate the impact that the Puerto Rican LGBTQ community has made on New York City over the past 80 years, with a special focus on social life, activism, and the arts in the 1990s. Activist Charles Rice-González, co-founder of Gay Men of the Bronx (GMoB) and the Bronx Academy … Continued


(Partner Event) Black Cinemas in the Caribbean Basin: Expanding the Black Gaze

Mishkin Gallery 135 E 22nd St, New York, New York

Join Dr. Elena Martinez (Modern Languages and Comparative Literature, Baruch College) and Dr. Rojo Robles (Black and Latino Studies, Baruch College) for a discussion on the “Black Gaze” as a critical and political act of spectatorship. Often theorized within the context of African American cinema, the Black Gaze challenges the whiteness of mainstream media, fostering … Continued


(Partner Event) Documentary Filmmaking and Black Spirituality in Puerto Rico

Mishkin Gallery 135 E 22nd St, New York, New York

Join us for a Women’s History Month Community Event hosted by Baruch’s Black and Latino Studies Department with filmmaker Rosamary Berríos Hernández in conversation with Dr. Margarita Rosa, Visiting Assistant Professor of BLS, and Dr. Rojo Robles, Assistant Professor at BLS and curator of the Roots and Tides film festival. Rosamary Berríos Hernández’s film Santiago … Continued
