April 21, 2024
2:00 pm
4:00 pm

The workshop invites participants to bring their memories in the form of photographs, papers, and textiles for a hands-on experience in preserving family archives. Through the seemingly technical act of organizing and describing your family archives, we will reflect on the impact of migration and movement, explore the intersection of the tangible and the intangible, and question individual and collective identity. During the workshop, participants will engage in discussions and activities centered around their own family artifacts, fostering a deeper understanding of their individual and collective significance. Attendees are encouraged to bring three to five items from their family archives to preserve and share with fellow participants.
Through collaborative dialogue and hands-on exercises, you’ll gain practical knowledge on how to properly house and handle paper documents, textiles, as well as photographic prints and negatives. Additionally, you’ll learn overarching strategies and considerations for effectively documenting and preserving your family’s memories.
Materials included
Limited availability, please RSVP. Suggested donation $10
This event is presented in conjunctions with our current exhibition, RE: Regenerate, Refurbish, Retype, Retrace, Revert Exploring methods of non-linear cataloging and publishing with Letra Muerta Inc.