A close up photo of artist Amanda Carmona Bosch. She smiles at the camera.

Amanda Carmona Bosch


My work focuses on the psychological interpretation, through visual analogies, of my life experiences as a non-conformist woman, a maladjusted migrant, and an artist against the contemporary canon. The intuitive drawing from which each work starts intertwines the psyche with the social contexts confronted along the path of life. The different series created over more than forty-five years in various countries explore themes such as the life cycles of women and their bodies, cross-cultural iconographies, and the history of painting, death, war, and nature, as well as abstract concepts of philosophy and science. By varying the range of degrees of abstraction, and using traditional techniques that ignore any use of technological devices, my art explores the possible forms of the complexity of being, between thinking and feeling.
(Statment translated by CENTRO, original text below.)

Mi obra se centra en la interpretación sicológica, a través de analogías visuales, de mis experiencias vitales como mujer inconforme, migrante inadaptada y artista a contracoriente del canon contemporáneo. El dibujo intuitivo del que parte cada obra entrelaza la psique con los contextos sociales confrontados a lo largo del camino de la vida. Las diferentes series creadas durante más de cuarenta y cinco años en varios países exploran temas como los ciclos de vida de la mujer y su cuerpo, iconografías interculturales y de la historia de la pintura, la muerte, la guerra, la naturaleza, así como conceptos abstractos de filosofía y ciencia. Al variar los diferentes grados de abstracción, utilizando técnicas tradicionales que ignoran cualquier uso de dispositivos tecnológicos, mi arte indaga en las formas posibles de la complejidad del ser y el estar, entre lo sentido y lo pensado.​


Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Amanda Carmona Bosch began her professional career in Austria in 1978, under the tutelage of Austrian abstract sculptors and painters, after having completed a BA in Humanities at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. Seventeen years later, she earned an MFA in Painting at UMass Amherst. She has lived also in Spain, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Italy, Germany, and the United States. Since 2017, Carmona Bosch exiled in the city of Vienna, back in Austria. However, her main painting studio remains in Cupey Alto, in the hills outside of San Juan, where she escapes the winter to work in her natural habitat.

Amanda Carmona Bosch. Geometries at Sea 1/6, 2022. Oil on wood panel, 50x60cm. Photo courtesy of the artist.
Amanda Carmona Bosch. Geometries at Sea 3/6, 2022 Oil on wood panel, 50x70cm. Photo courtesy of the artist.
Amanda Carmona Bosch. Geometries at Sea 4/6, 2022. Oil on wood panel, 60x80cm. Photo courtesy of the artist.