The Puerto Rico Child Vulnerability Index (2021)

Starting Date:

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In collaboration with The Opportunity Project 2022 sprint cycle of Addressing Children Resilience to Adversity in Puerto Rico, Centro’s Data Hub has created a Child Vulnerability Index as a tool to measure the potential negative effects on the children age population, under 18 years-old, in Puerto Rico by external stress on human health such as natural disasters or disease outbreaks. The Child Vulnerability Dashboard provides the index at the county, county-subdivision, and census tract level in both English and Spanish, which allows local children-focused nonprofits, community leaders, educators, and policy analysts to determine where children are most vulnerable in Puerto Rico by certain social conditions such as poverty, disability, and lack of internet access. The data was derived from the U.S. Census Bureau, 2021 American Community Survey 5-year estimates and is updated on an annual basis. To accompany the tool, Centro's Data Hub has provided a report, a github repo, and how-to videos in both English and Spanish of how to use the dashboard.


Jennifer Hinojosa

Principal Investigator

Jorge R. Soldevila Irizarry

GIS Specialist

Laura Colón Meléndez

Data Scientist


Damayra I Figueroa-Lazu

Data Analyst


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Github Repository

Available through the GitHub Repository is the custom Python code created to extract the variables used from the Census API, generate the Index, and a sample of statistical analysis that can be used to derive further insights

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ArcGIS Hub

The ArcGis Hub site for the Puerto Rico Child Vulnerability Index 2021 contains the data used to construct the CVI for all municipios, barrios, and census tracts in Puerto Rico.