David Gonzalez
Garry Winogrand once said: "I take pictures to see what things look like when photographed." In my case, that has led me to commit my energies to reclaiming and redefining Nuyorican and Bronx life to show the reality of our communities, not the outside gaze that prizes Black and Brown dysfunction. We contain multitudes.
Born and raised by blue-collar Boricua parents in the SBX during the years of fire. Taking pictures since 1977, with a break from 1983 thru 1999 when I devoted myself exclusively to written journalism. Worked as a correspondent for Newsweek from 83-90, then joined the New York Times, where I have been Lens Blog co-editor, Central America and Caribbean Buro Chief, About New York Columnist and Senior Writer. Founding member of Seis del Sur, a Nuyorican photographers' collective that has exhibited widely in NYC.
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