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Citizen Voting Age Population: 2014-2022 Dashboard
The Citizen Voting-age Population: 2014-2022 Dashboard showcases the citizen voting-age population (CVAP) for Puerto Ricans, overall Hispanics, specific Hispanic origins and selected races by state and year from 2014-2022. This tool can be used as a resource to see the potential Puerto Ricans, Hispanics, and other selected races may have…
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Web App
Open and Closed Schools in Puerto Rico, 2011-2021
Over past decades, hundreds of schools in Puerto Rico have been arbitrarily closed by the government despite opposition and discontent by students and their communities. This tool shows the locations of 1,484 schools listed by the Puerto Rico Department of Education as operational between 2011 and 2021.
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The Puerto Rico Child Vulnerability Index Dashboard
The Child Vulnerability Dashboard provides the index at the county, county-subdivision, and census tract level in both English and Spanish, which allows local children-focused nonprofits, community leaders, educators, and policy analysts to determine where children are most vulnerable in Puerto Rico by certain social conditions such as poverty, disability, and…
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The State of Puerto Ricans in the U.S. Dashboard
The Socio-Demographic Data of Puerto Ricans in the United States and Puerto Rico: 2010 - 2023 Dashboard showcases Puerto Rican population data, including in- and out-migration between the states and Puerto Rico, educational attainment and language proficiency, income, employment, housing, health and much more. This dashboard provides socioeconomic trends of…
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Web App
US Territories - 2020 Decennial Census Data Dashboard
When assessing how the other territories were fairing using the same measures used to analyze Puerto Rico’s socio-economic situation, we started to take note of the unequal data collection across the territories as well as its impact. In response to these questions, we decided to create a tool to showcase…
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