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Our reports, infographics, and data sheets disseminate information about Hispanics, Stateside Puerto Ricans, and Puerto Rico. This information is provided to present socioeconomic and demographic portraits of the Puerto Rican population, both in the U.S. and Puerto Rico, as well as Hispanics as a whole. This section includes infographics, data sheets, and reports. Recent topics include Puerto Rico’s aging population, race and ethnicity, and redistricting in the U.S. Explore Reports

Recent Reports

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Hispanic Empowerment in New York’s Municipal Workforces, 2021

Employment in municipal government is another facet of empowerment and incorporation for populations that have been historically… Learn More

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The Puerto Rico Children Vulnerability Index, 2021

This report discusses the creation of the Child Vulnerability Index (CVI), how to identify the scale and… Learn More

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Pervasive Poverty in Puerto Rico: a Closer Look

This report contextualizes the persistent poverty that exists across Puerto Rico and all its municipios, rooting its… Learn More