Centro Journal 30, no. 3 (Summer 2018)

Centro Journal 30, no. 3 (Summer 2018)


Puerto Rico Post-Hurricane Maria: Origins and Consequences of a Crisis
Guest Editor: Edwin Meléndez and Charles R. Venator-Santiago

Table of Contents


Introduction to Puerto Rico Post-Maria: Origins and Consequences of a Crisis
Edwin Meléndez and Charles R. Venator-Santiago

IRS Section 936 and the Decline of Puerto Rico’s Manufacturing
Zadia M. Feliciano

The Politics of PROMESA
Edwin Meléndez

The Economics of PROMESA
Edwin Meléndez

An Analysis of Puerto Rico’s Debt Relief Needs to Restore Debt Sustainability
Pablo Gluzmann, Martin Guzman and Joseph E. Stiglitz

Energy Policies in Puerto Rico and their Impact on the Likelihood of a Resilient and Sustainable Electric Power Infrastructure
Efraín O’Neill-Carrillo and Miguel A. Rivera-Quiñones

Cabotage as an External Non-tariff Measure on the Competitiveness on SIDS’s Agribusinesses: The Case of Puerto Rico
William Suárez II

Migration, Geographic Destinations, and Socioeconomic Outcomes of Puerto Ricans during La Crisis Boricua: Implications for Island and Stateside Communities Post-Maria
Marie T. Mora, Alberto Dávila and Havidán Rodríguez

Two Sides of the Coin of Puerto Rican Migration: Depopulation in Puerto Rico and the Revival of the Diaspora
Jennifer Hinojosa

Después del Huracán: Using a Diaspora Framework to Contextualize and Problematize Educational Responses Post-María
Jason G. Irizarry, Rosalie Rolón-Dow and Isar P. Godreau

Political Crisis, Migration and Electoral Behavior in Puerto Rico
Carlos Vargas-Ramos

Territorial Incorporation: A Note on the History of Territorial Incorporation Bills for Puerto Rico, 1898–2017
Charles R. Venator-Santiago