Centro Journal 30, no. 1 (Fall 2018)

Centro Journal 30, no. 1 (Fall 2018)


SPECIAL SECTION: Critical Perspectives on Puerto Rican and Dominicans in the U.S.

Table of Contents

Beyond Labor Markets and Schools: Community-Based Youth Serving Organizations and the Integration of Puerto Rican and Dominican Disconnected Youth in New York City – M. Anne Visser

Food Security and Access to “Balanced Meals” among Dominicans and Puerto Ricans in the United States – Melissa Fuster

Mangú y Mofongo: Inter-ethnic Dominican-Puerto Rican Families and Community Development in New York City – Alaí Reyes-Santos and Ana-Maurine Lara

Risk Profiles for Suicide Attempts, Drug Use, and Violence among Dominican, Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Non-Hispanic White Youth in New York City:Implications for Suicide Prevention Initiatives – Juan B. Peña, Alexis Kuerbis, Rufina Lee and Daniel Herman

El español y el inglés en Puerto Rico: una polémica de más de un siglo – Melvin González Rivera and Luis A. Ortiz López

Ana Lydia Vega’s “Pollito chicken”: The Impossible Spanglish – Francisca Aguiló Mora

The Geography of Bernardo Vega’s Memoirs – Angel ‘Monxo’ López Santiago