Centro Journal 21, no. 1 (Spring 2009)

Centro Journal 21, no. 1 (Spring 2009)


Table of Contents
Resisting the Racial Binary? Puerto Ricans’ Encounter with Race in Depression-Era New York City—Lorrin Thomas

Changed Identities: A Racial Portrait of Two Extended Families,1909–present—Gabriel Haslip-Viera

Remembering Pura Belpré’s Early Career at the 135th Street New York Public Library: Interracial Cooperation and Puerto Rican Settlement During the Harlem Renaissance—Victoria Núñez

Jesús Colón and the Development of Insurgent Consciousness—David J. Vázquez

Still Looking for that Elsewhere: Puerto Rican Poverty and Migration in the Northeast—Gilbert Marzan

Segregation Patterns in Metro Areas: Latinos and African Americans in 2000—William Vélez, Michael E. Martin, and Edgar Mendez

La comida que nos une y la geografía que nos separa: El discurso gastronómico símbolo de la identidad puertorriqueña en Trópico en Manhattan de Guillermo Cotto-Thorner—María Inés Ortiz

Colonial Subjects, Imperial Discourses: Rosario Ferré’s The House on the Lagoon and Judith Ortiz Cofer’s The Line of the Sun—Jessica Magnani

Edenes insostenibles: el campo de la ciudad en la intentona cultural de los cincuenta—Carmelo Esterrich

Tecnologías discursivas del pensamiento posnacional en Exquisito cadáver, de Rafael Acevedo—Guillermo Irizarry

Hostos at the Hotel America—Rafael Bernabe

Breve homenaje a Rafael Ferrer y a Tito Puente—Francisco Cabanillas

Book Reviews:

The Problem of Slavery in the Puerto Rican Society
Milagros Denis

A Companion to Latino Studies, edited by Juan Flores and Renato Rosaldo (Alyshia Galvez)

Atlas ambiental de Puerto Rico, by Tania del Mar López Marrero and Nancy Villanueva Colón (Ricardo Pérez)

The Latino Body: Crisis, Identities in American Literary and Cultural Memory, Ly Lázaro Lima (Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel)

Governing Spirits: Religion, Miracles and Spectacles in Cuba and Puerto Rico, by Reinaldo L. Román (Martha Ellen Davis)

Los hombres no lloran. Ensayos sobre las masculinidades, by Víctor García Toro, Rafael L. Ramírez y Luis Solano Castillo (Efraín Barradas)

Latino Politics: Identity, Mobilization, and Representation, edited by Rodolfo Espino, David L. Leal, and Kenneth J. Meier (Carlos Vargas-Ramos)

America Beyond Black and White: How Immigrants and Fusions are Helping US Overcome the Racial Divide, by Ronald Fernandez (Victor M. Rodríguez)

Nuestra Isla y su gente: La construcción del “otro” puertorriqueño en Our islands and Their People (Segunda edición), by Lanny Thompson (Déborah Berman Santana)

Sobre los principios. Los intelectuales caribeños y la tradición, by Arcadio Díaz Quiñones (Oscar Montero)

Global Intrigues: The Era of the Spanish-American War and the Rise of the United States to World Power, by Juan R. Torruella (Anders Stephanson)