Centro Journal 17, no. 2 (Fall 2005)

Centro Journal 17, no. 2 (Fall 2005)


Puerto Rican Visual artists and the United States.
Guest Editor Yasmin Ramírez

Yasmin Ramírez

Aesthetics of Exile: The construction of Nuyorican identity in the art of El Taller Boricua
Taína B. Caragol-Barreto

Nuyorican Visionary: Jorge Soto and the Evolution of an Afro-Taíno aesthetic at Taller Boricua
Yasmin Ramírez

Arnaldo Roche: Africania a dos voces
Francisco Cabanillas

Desnudo con huesos/Nude with bones
Lourdes Vázquez

Memory Ricanstruction: Literary portfolios based on poetry created by José R. Alicea
Raquel Ortiz Rodríguez

Painting liberation: 1998 and its pivotal role in the formation of a new Boricua political art movement
Yasmín Hernández

Visual artists honor Pedro Pietri: A pictorial essay

From handcrafted tobacco rolls to machine-made cigarettes: The transformation and Americanization of Puerto Rican tobacco,1847-1903
Juan José Baldrich

In his image and likeness: The Puerto Rican jíbaro as political icon
Nathaniel I. Córdova

The Puerto Rican Journey revisited: Politics and the study of Puerto Rican migration
Edgardo Meléndez Vélez

He said/She said: Gendered historical discourses in Rosario Ferré’s The House on the Lagoon
Beatriz Urraca

Entrevista a Rosario Ferré: In between dos worlds
Gema Soledad Castillo García

Transamerican imaginaries, archival revelations: The current state of Latino/a literary theory
Richard Perez

Género y poder: Vida cotidiana y masculinidades
Idsa E. Alegría-Ortega & Eduardo J. Rivera-Medina