Centro Journal 14, no. 1 (Spring 2002)

Centro Journal 14, no. 1 (Spring 2002)


Masculinidad hegemónica, sexualidad y transgresión
Rafael L. Ramírez y Víctor I. García Toro

Pop Latinidad: Puerto Ricans in the Latin Explosion, 1999
Licia Fiol-Matta

Sobre dominicanos y puertorriqueños: movimiento perpetuo?
Rita De Maeseneer

La Vida, Moynihan, and other Libels: Migration, Social Science and the Making of the Puerto Rican Welfare Queen
Laura Briggs

Edward Rivera, The “Culture-Conscious Scribe” & Introduction
Lyn Di Iorio Sandín

A Little Lavabo
Eduardo Rivera

Stable Manners: or How the Publication of Family Installments was stalled for three years and $3,000
Edward Rivera

Letter to Diana Vélez
Edward Rivera

The Pioneering Bilingual Persona of Eduardo/Edward Rivera
Gary D. Keller

A Puerto Rican Story: Family Installments by Edward Rivera
Diana Vélez

Looking for Ed Rivera
Abraham Rodriguez

A Final Installment
Ernesto Quiñonez

Edward Rivera’s Family Installments: An Agonistic Reading
Alfredo Villanueva-Collado

Latino Rage: The Life and Work of Ed Rivera
Lyn Di Iorio Sandín