Centro Journal 9, no. 1 (Winter 1996- 97)

Centro Journal 9, no. 1 (Winter 1996- 97)


The Education of Puerto Ricans

Dangerous Discourses:

Language Politics and Classroom Practices in Upstate New York
Ellen Bigler

The Study of Funds of Knowledge:

Collaborative Research in Latino Homes
Carmen I. Mercado & Luis Moll

BPO V. Mills and the Struggle for Bilingual Education
Sandra Del Valle

Puerto Ricans and Education Reform in the U.S.: A Preliminary Exploration N/A
Roberto P. Rodríguez-Morazzani

Puerto Ricans and the Politics of School Reform
Pedro Pedraza

Teaching (Critical) Politics as a (Female, Puerto Rican) ‘Other’
Eloisa Gordon-Mora

Cuba’s University Scholarships to its Neighbors and National Development in the Caribbean
Anne Hickling-Hudson

Rejoinder to Roberto Rodríguez-Morazzani’s “Beyond the Rainbow: Mapping the Discourse on Puerto Ricans and ‘Race'”
Clara E. Rodríguez

Nitza M. Hernández-López with Aline Frambes-Buxeda