Queering Reggaetón


Bad Bunny had been known for dressing in drag for his music videos and expressing support for the trans community in Puerto Rico, making him appear as an outlier in the genre of reggaetón—a genre notorious for its machista and homophobic stereotypes. However, he was not the first or only artist to do so, and many in the LGBTQ+ community believed that more attention should have been paid to performers who explicitly identified as queer. Larry LaFountain, Professor of Spanish, American Culture, and Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Verónica Dávila Ellis, Assistant Professor of Spanish at James Madison University, and Dozandri Mendoza, a PhD Candidate at the Department of Linguistics at the University of California in Santa Barbara, participated in a discussion moderated by Celiany Rivera, CENTRO Research Associate, to explore these questions and reflect on the role reggaetón and perreo could play in imagining queer futures.


