Afro-Latinas’ Realities: A Conversation about Racism, Healthcare, Economics, Education, and more.
January 25, 2024 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm EST

Join Creative JusticeInitiative, AfroLatino Forum, The Center for Puerto Rican Studies atHunter College (CENTRO) and our advisors and collaborators for an illuminating conversation that delves into the multifaceted experiences and realities ofAfro-Latinas across the Americas. As we gather to explore the themes of racism, healthcare, economics, and education, we will uncover the layers of complexity, the challenges and inequities that Afro-Latina women navigate daily. Some of the topics we will be addressing are:- Global Impact and Potential of Afro-Latinas empowerment – Afro-LatinasAccess to Education – Equal access to employment opportunities and fair wages – Economic Autonomy and Inequality – Poverty and access to basic services – The Burden of the Sexual Division of Labor on Afro Latinas – Access to Quality Healthcare – Childbirth Mortality and Reproductive Health – Preventive Healthcare Accessibility – Strategies for Improvement and – Call for Transformative Actions.
THERE IS NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. Please join our Creative Justice Initiative Facebook page by pressing the link below. On our Facebook page you will be able to watch, send questions and interact with the panelists and viewers: https://www.facebook.com/creativejusticeinitiative
You may also watch on Creative Justice Initiative Youtube page by pressing the link below. On our Youtube page you will be able to watch, send questions and interact with the panelists and viewers: https://www.youtube.com/@creativejusticeinitiative8508/streams
Finally, if you don’t have access to social media or prefer just to watch you can do so by accessing our Creative Justice Initiative Webpage by pressing the link below. Please note that by watching on the website you will not be able to interact with the events’ panelists, just watch: https://creativejustice-initiative.org/absolutelyblack/